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Our Project

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Structure of the project

Baby Buddy Forward: Building health literacy around pregnancy, birth and early life of the infant by developing a unified, research-informed and socially-inclusive prenatal and postnatal web-based education programme for parents-to-be and new parents” is funded by Erasmus + under Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Strategic partnership for Adult Education. 

Erasmus Plus projects are structured according to their Intellectual Outputs, which are different planned activities and related results and deliverable of the whole project, which can stand alone or build on each other. Baby Buddy Forward develops along five “Intellectual Outputs”.

Intellectual Output 1

In the first part of the EU project the multidisciplinary international Baby Buddy Forward team will review the wealth of text and video material of the free, award-winning Baby Buddy, developed within the national context of the UK by partner Best Beginnings. To what extent is this innovative day-to-day educational companion transferable to a different country? We need to ask a series of questions: How well does it correspond to a different health system and practices? How relevant is its content to the needs of local parents? How suitable is it, given the specificities in a generally different socio-cultural setting? In active consultation with parents and health professionals, we will review and rate the existing material. The select material will be translated into Greek, Turkish, Russian and Arabic. But, is this enough? Are all local needs and priorities covered? Through focus groups meetings and online surveys, we will engage with the wider health professional community in Cyprus and in Greece in order to identify priorities and establish the need for additional material in a complete educational curriculum for the transition to parenthood.

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